Donne in Rete contro la violenza (D.i.Re)


A nation-wide network of violence prevention and support

Donne in Rete contro la violenza (D.i.Re) is a network of independent women’s shelters and centers (Centri Antiviolenza) that prevent violence against women and provide counselling and support services to women survivors. D.i.Re includes more than 150 shelters and centers throughout the country. Over its 30+ years of operation, the network has helped thousands of women escape violence and build new lives. D.i.Re coordinates and promotes activities aimed at shifting cultural and societal attitudes about violence against women in Italy.

D.i.Re also provides trainings to the Kering Group’s Italian employees, in order to understand the complexities of domestic violence, its impact on the workplace and how to listen and orient a colleague experiencing violence.

The Kering Foundation provides unrestricted funding to cover core activities of D.i.Re. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Foundation provided an additional grant of €35,000 in order to ensure the continuity of services, funding activities such as the purchase of protective gear, sanitization, the acquisition of software and hardware to ensure secure conversations and communication costs. Furthermore, compared to the same period the previous year, the number of women supported during the first Covid-19 lockdown increased by 80%.

20,015 women received support from D.i.Re organizations in 2020.

Of those who received support, 13,390 were women seeking help for the first time.

“Thanks to the COVID-19 Emergency Fund provided by D.i.Re, the Lucha y Siesta Women's Home Organization was able to pay four anti-violence workers, who supported and guaranteed that the anti-violence counter of the organization remained open throughout June and July.”

– President of the Lucha y Siesta Women's Home Organization

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