Du Pain & des Roses


Fostering independence through floristry

70% of migrant women are victims of violence and are particularly vulnerable due to the precarious nature of their situations. With this in mind, French organization Du Pain & des Roses (DPDR) trains vulnerable women in the practice of floristry through professional courses, supporting them to regain self-esteem and confidence in their skills while creating social connections with other women.

As a member of the Kering Foundation’s community of social entrepreneurs, du Pain & des Roses was selected by a jury of professionals and experts to receive support from the Kering Foundation, including a 6-month incubation program, professional mentoring, and access to the Kering Foundation’s network.

Between 2020 and 2022, DPDR significantly strengthened its professional training offer for women, through a more robust program and additional training hours. It has received accreditation and certification, which has allowed it to secure public funding. The Foundation supports DPDR in the development of its business model as well as the duplication of its program in Nantes, France.

In 2022:

  • 35 workshops were organized, allowing 202 women to discover the profession of florist.
  • 89% of the beneficiaries found a job in a florist's shop or enrolled in a florist's certified training program within 12 months.

"They [Du Pain & des Roses] showed me that I am capable of doing more. [The workshops] have given me confidence. They keep us moving forward and they free us."

— Survivor & participant of DPDR program

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