Supporting and advocating for victims of domestic violence

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is an organization working to make domestic violence a national priority, change the way communities respond to domestic violence and strengthen efforts against domestic and sexual violence. Serving individuals in all 56 U.S. states and territories, NNEDV is committed to finding innovative approaches to support survivors, shaping public opinion about domestic violence, collaborating with other social justice organizations and amplifying the work of their network.

NNEDV also provides trainings to the Kering Group’s US-based employees, in order to understand the complexities of domestic violence, its impact on the workplace and how to listen and orient a colleague experiencing violence.

The Kering Foundation provides unrestricted funding to cover NNEDV’s core activities, financing activities that were not previously covered through government grants or private funding, such as work with coalitions. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, during which virus-related inquiries surged, the Foundation provided an exceptional grant of 35,000 euros to cover additional costs due to increased requests for support. This grant ensured the continuity of services, particularly staff time spent developing response materials, COVID-19-based programs and for website support related to NNEDV’s COVID-19 resources page.

In 2020:

Over 3,000 consultations with survivors, local programs and coalitions.

Nearly 34,000 advocates, public servants, companies, and individuals trained.

Over 3 million visits to NNEDV.org, WomensLaw.org, and TechSafety.org.

"I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. I will be meeting with an advocate next week will be with me throughout the entire process and court hearing. Without your help I would still be lost, not knowing who to turn to for help. The service you provided to me is invaluable and I am so very grateful. Once again, thank you!"

– Survivor and beneficiary of NNEDV

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